AAI 2014 Special Sessions |
LTLE 2014 Special Session 1
Organizer: Yuichi Ono (University of Tsukuba, Japan) yuichi.ono.526(at)gmail.com
This special session aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and students around the world to exchange and share their experiences and research results concerning language learning and teaching involving a recent technology for the 21st century. The session covers both practical as well as technical aspects of the issues. Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers to the Special Session. Papers related to this session, but not restricted to the following fields, are welcome.
- application of technology to the language classroom
- mobile and/or tablet use in the language classroom
- managing multimedia/hypermedia environments
- e-learning, collaborative learning and blended learning
- fostering autonomous learning through technology
- new theoretical models for Technology-Enhanced learning and teaching
- digital game-based learning and gamification
- NLP and AI-based designs and technologies
- successful CALL project designs
- synchronous and asynchronous CMC
Successful applicants will be notified as indicated below, although those who require an earlier decision for funding purposes may request so in the Comments area of the Proposal Submission Form.
ESKM 2014 Special Session 1
Hiroshi Sakai (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) aai2014ctis(at)gmail.com
Kazumi Nakamatsu (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Junzo Watada (Waseda University, Japan)
The aim of this special session is to solicit theoretical and application oriented computational techniques for intelligent systems, including like fuzzy sets, rough sets, multi sets, granular computing, paraconsistent logic, variations of logical framework, etc. and their application like intelligent decision making, intelligent control, data mining, knowledge discovery, image analysis, etc. Papers related to this session, but not restricted to the above, are welcome.
ESKM 2014 Special Session 2
Organizer: Dauw-Song Zhu (National Dong-Hwa University) dswu(at)mail.ndhu.edu.tw
With the advancement of technology and the rapid growth of e-commerce, the B2C domain of e-commerce has been a significant issue in recent years. The purpose of this session aims to address the current theoretical and empirical research issues. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Technology innovation, communications, psychology, marketing and advertising, consumer behavior, and information technology etc.
ESKM 2014 Special Session 3
Organizer :Kensuke Baba (Kyushu University), baba.kensuke.060(at)m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
With the spread of high-performance sensors and networks, many kinds of
data are being captured continuously in every place. Complex Event
Processing (CEP) is a technology that analyzes time-series data from
several kinds of sensors and identifies the target events. The processes
in CEP are suitable applications of Machine Learning (ML). This special
session focuses on combinations of CEP and ML. The scope of the session
includes the following topics:
- CEP for RFID data streams
- CEP in distributed systems
- Construction of event models in CEP by ML
- Data structure for real-time processing
- Object recognition from video data
- On-line ML for CEP
- Performance analysis of CEP
ESKM 2014 Special Session 4
Organizers: Naoki FUKUTA (Shizuoka University, Japan) fukuta(at)cs.inf.shizuoka.ac.jp
This special session aims to provide an opportunity to discuss their ideas
and efforts in theories and practices on intelligent systems that can be applied to
provide effective use and enhancements on Web and open data systems, as well as to give an
opportunity to present state-of-the-art researches in the area. This special session
especially encourages attendees to discuss their ideas on Web-based or LOD(linked open
data)-related techniques. Possible main topics of interest include, but not limited to,
implementation techniques for intelligent systems (knowledge-based systems, intelligent
Web application integration, agent-based intelligent systems, etc.), applications and
core-technologies for Web and Open Data ( Web-based intelligent systems, effective search
and utilization of linked open data, metadata and ontology etc.).
ESKM 2014 Special Session 5
Organizer :Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA (Hiroshima City University) miyares13(at)gmail.com
With the rapid development of data collecting techniques, large volumes of various data have been stored.
The aim of this special session is to present recent results in the field of machine learning and data mining in order to
develop new methods for discovering knowledge from such various data, including transaction data, numerical data,
text data, tree or graph structured data, biometric data, and sensing data. Papers dealing with theories,
algorithms, methods, techniques and systems in machine learning and data mining are sought for this session.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Knowledge Discovery, Text Mining, Tree Mining, Graph Mining, Classification, Intelligent Information Systems, Learning Theory, Evolutionary Computation.
ESKM 2014 Special Session 6
Organizer :
Yoichi Tomiura (Kyushu University, Japan)
Emi Ishita (Kyushu University, Japan)
Kensuke Baba (Kyushu University, Japan)
Contact: baba.kensuke.060 (at)m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
With the dramatic developments in information and communication technology, our society has gone through tremendous changes in terms of how we store, manage and access information and knowledge. These developments have brought substantive benefits for our society, but they have also led to new challenges such as difficultly obtaining precise information and the risk of information overload.
In this special session, we will focus on managing information and knowledge properly and securing our access to information.
Sample topics include (but are not limited to): Knowledge discovery, Knowledge services, Knowledge management, Text mining, Information access, Library services, E-learning, Information retrieval systems, User behavior modeling, Security, privacy and trust, Applications of social media, Scholarly communication, Digital preservation, Archives, Data curation
ESKM 2014 Special Session 7
Organizer :
Dr. Hidehiko Hayashi (Naruto University of Education, Japan) and
Ms. Toshiko Asai (Information Workshop co., Japan) and
Dr. Akinori Minazuki (Kushiro Public University of Economics, Japan)
Contact: hhayashi(at)naruto-u.ac.jp (Hidehiko Hayashi)
In recent years on the emerging knowledge-based view, there has been progress in developing smart and high-end information technologies based on intelligence infrastructure. It has been used widely in various areas like education, medical information and intelligence system in the knowledge-based society. There are a few key elements of IT systems for knowledge creation in the knowledge-based society. Their systems used active technologies have been discussed. In this session, we focus on knowledge creation and innovative society. Knowledge creation is an important concept which engendering the future of knowledge-based society with a practical wisdom. We are expecting the latest IT and knowledge creation could be extensive discussed. Field of research in this session includes intelligent system, high-presence system, advanced medical information system and so on.
ESKM 2014 Special Session 8
Organizer :
Alireza AHRARY (Sojo University, Japan)
Noriko HORIBE (Sojo University, Japan)
Contact : horibe(at)cis.sojo-u.ac.jp
Applied ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Engineering in Agriculture allow researchers to utilize the latest advances in the development and application of hardware, software, electronic instrumentation and control systems, to solve problems in agriculture and related industries. The aim of this Special Session is to provide an opportunity for researchers to discuss their ideas and efforts in Applied ICT Engineering in Agriculture. Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished work in the areas including (but not limited to) the following:
-Computers and electronics in agriculture,
-Agriculture software, applications and tools,
-Cloud computing for agriculture,
-Sensor network technologies for agriculture,
-Robotics in agriculture,
-Computer-aided manufacturing and design in agriculture,
-Agriculture education,
-Agricultural products processing,
-Agricultural transportation,
-Data mining,
-Distribution and Marketing
Schedule and Instruction |
Special Session Proposal Due: January 20, February 10, 2014.
Notification of the Proposal: January 31, February 17, 2014.
Deadline of paper submission to the session organizers: March 28, May 12, 2014. EXTENDED
Notification of acceptance for authors: May 10, May 30, 2014. EXTENDED
Accepted paper information report: May 10, May 30, 2014. EXTENDED
Final Paper Due and Early Registration: May 31, June 14, 2014. EXTENDED
Note: Even though the paper has been selected in your session, the length less than 3 pages for a paper would automatically rejected as a conference publication.
Please submit your proposal to .
Each paper in your session must be 4-6 pages length and be formatted by CPS 8.5x11 proc. style
because the paper would be published as the proceedings by CPS.
Cpnference Proceedings would be submitted to be indexed by EI, Inspec, DBLP, and Thomson ISI.
Session organizer must register and attend the conference. Otherwise, all papers in your session would be cancelled and removed from the proceedings.
The instruction to organize the special session is as follows.
Special session organizer(s) needs to gather and organize a session with 5 or 6 papers. Each sesson needs to have review by the session organizer(s) or at least two session committee.
Length of each paper should be 4-6 pages. Please see the instruction of regular paper.
The schedule is flexible. Session organizer(s) needs to make a schedule in which every authors submit papers to publishers by camera-ready paper due.
When the organizer(s) sends accepted papers (5 to 8 papers) in your session, please indicate one outstanding paper of your session.