Program at A Glance
Sunday, August 31
10:30AM-12:00PM (90 min)
Special Session :
Intelligent Systems for Web and Open Data
Session Chair : Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Room A
- Customer behavior analysis on after getting off the train based on usage histories of smart IC card
Akifumi Kiyohiro, Kohei Yamaguchi, He Gao, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Tsunenori Mine (Kyushu University,
- Toward Personalized Public Transportation Recommendation System with Adaptive User Interface
Hiroyuki Nakamura, Yuan Gao, He Gao, Hongliang Zhang, Akifumi Kiyohiro, Tsunenori Mine (Kyushu University,
- Slide Repository: A Repository for Slide Reuse Using Research Episode Network
Yudai Kato, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani (Nagoya Institute of Technology,
10:30AM-11:10AM (40 min)
[AAI-LTLE-Keynote] "Affective Learning and Pedagogy using Affective Computing ", Yueh-Min Huang, Ph.D. (National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan)
Room B
11:10AM-12:00PM (50 min)
Session Chair : Yuichi Ono (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Room B
- Classification and clustering English Writing Errors based on Native language
Brendan Flanagan, Chengjiu Yin, Takahiko Suzuki, Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu University,
- Implementation and evaluation of real time qualitative feedback systems in a foreign language presentation course
Yuichi Ono, Sachio Hirokawa, Manabu Ishihara, Mitsuo Yamashiro (University of Tsukuba,
10:30AM-12:00PM (90 min)
Special Session :
Advanced Software Engineering Education
Session Chair : Atsuo Hazeyama (Tokyo Gakugei University)
Room D
- A Practical Conceptual Modeling Teaching Method based on Quantitative Error Analyses for Novices Learning to Create Error-free Simple Class Diagrams
Mizue Kayama, Shinpei Ogata, Kento Masumoto, Masami Hashimoto and Makoto Otani (Shinshu University,
- Proposals of a Method Detecting Learners' Difficult Points in Object Modeling Exercises and a Tool to Support the Method
Takafumi Tanaka(1), Kazuki Mori(2), Hiroaki Hashiura(3), Atsuo Hazeyama(1) and Seiichi Komiya(4) ((1) Tokyo Gakugei University, (2) Shibaura Institute of Technology, (3) Nippon Institute of Technology, (4) National Institute of Informatics,
- An Environment for Collecting Fine-grained Development Records to Help with Programming Exercise
Hiroaki Hashiura (1), Kazuki Mori (2), Takafumi Tanaka (3), Atsuo Hazeyama (3) and Seiichi Komiya (4) ((1) Nippon Institute of Technology, (2) Shibaura Institute of Technology, (3) Tokyo Gakugei University, (4) National Institute of Informatics,
10:30AM-12:00PM (90 min)
Session Chair : Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room F
- Development of Nankai Trough Earthquake Disaster Simulation for its Mitigation
Momoko Saida, Naoto Hasegawa, Ippei Torii and Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology,
- Two-Stage Learning Neural Network Model Using Analog Electrical Circuits
Masashi Kawaguchi, Masayoshi Umeno and Naohiro Ishii (Suzuka National College of Technology,
- Development of Projection Mapping with Utility of Digital Signage
Shota Murayama, Ippei Torii and Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology,
1:30PM-4:00PM (150 min)
Special Session :
Computational techniques for intelligent systems
Session Chair : Hiroshi Sakai (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room A
- Associative Criteria in Mutually Dependent Markov Decision Processes
Toshiharu Fujita (Kyushu Institute of Technology,
- The Completeness of NIS-Apriori Algorithm and a Software Tool getRNIA
Hiroshi Sakai, Mao Wu (Kyushu Institute of Technology,
- On the Definability of a Set and Rough Set-Based Rule Generation
Hiroshi Sakai, Mao Wu, Naoto Yamaguchi (Kyushu Institute of Technology,
- Search Result Clustering Using Artificial Neural Network and K-Medoids Methods
Hungming Hung, Junzo Watada (Waseda University,
China (HK))
- Bias Correction for the Trade-off Curve in the Tree-GA Bump Hunting
Yu Aizawa, Hideo Hirose (Kyushu Institute of Technology,
1:30PM-4:00PM (150 min)
Special Session :
Intelligent Systems for Web and Open Data
Session Chair : Tsunenori Mine (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room B
- A CollaborativeWeb Presentation Support System Using an Existing Presentation Software
Yusuke Niwa, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani (Nagoya Institute of Technology,
- Detecting Research Fronts using Neural Network Model for Weighted Citation Network Analysis
Hisato Fujimagari, Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
- A Dynamic Query Optimization on a SPARQL Endpoint by Approximate Inference Processing
Yuji Yamagata, Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University,
1:30PM-4:00PM (150 min)
Session Chair : Takanobu Otsuka (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Room C
- Multi-party conversation summarization based on sentence selection using verbal and nonverbal information
Yo Tokunaga, Kazutaka Shimada (Kyushu Institute of Technology,
- Mining Relevant Text Features for Retrieving Web Information
Luepol Pipanmekaporn, Suwatchai Kamolsantiroj (King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok,
- Mining the Big Data: The Critical Feature Dimension Problem
Qingzhong Liu, Bernardete Ribeiro, Andrew Sung, Divya Suryakumar (Sam Houston State University,
United States)
- Batik Motif Classification using Color-Texture-Based Feature Extraction and Backpropagation Neural Network
Nanik Suciati, Winny Adlina Pratomo, Diana Purwitasari (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
1:30PM-4:00PM (150 min)
Special Session :
Advanced Software Engineering Education
Session Chair : Takaaki Goto (The University of Electro-Communications)
Room D
- Preliminary Evaluation of a Software Security Learning Environment
Atsuo Hazeyama and Masahito Saito (Tokyo Gakugei University,
- Understanding of Class Diagrams based on Cognitive Linguistics and Functional Dependency
Shigeo Kaneda and Akio Ida (Doshisha University,
- Collaborative Software Engineering Learning Environment Associating Artifacts Management with Communication Support
Atsuo Hazeyama (Tokyo Gakugei University,
- A Method for Detecting Bad Smells and Its Application to Software Engineering Education
Yuki Ito (1), Atsuo Hazeyama (1), Yasuhiko Morimoto (1), Hiroaki Kaminaga (2), Shoichi Nakamura (2) and Youzou Miyadera (1) ((1) Tokyo Gakugei University, (2) Fukushima University,
1:30PM-4:00PM (150 min)
Special Session :
Archaeology and Information Technology
Session Chair : Teruhisa Hochin (1), Jun Nishimura (2), Kazuo Morimoto (3) ((1)Kyoto Institute of Technology, (2)Hakodate University, (3)Chiba Educational Promotion Foundation)
Room E
- Spatial Distribution Characteristic of Archaeological Ruins with Land Liquefaction Vestiges Analyzed by GIS - A Case in Niigata Prefecture, Japan-
Takayuki Nakano (1), Hideo Sakai (2), Manabu Kato (3) ((1)GSI of Japan, (2)University of Toyama, (3)Niigata Archaeological Artifacts Research Association,
- Automatic Matching on Fracture Surface of Quarried Stone Using the Features of Plug-and-Feather Holes
Karin Morita, Sei Ikeda, Kosuke Sato (Osaka University,
- Information Sharing System of Archaeological Distributed Heterogeneous Information Sources
Ayako Hayashi, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Heterogeneous Closed Information Sources and Open Services in Archaeology
Ayako Hayashi, Ayano Terakawa, Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Semantic Generalization and Semantic Specialization in Archaeology
Ayano Terakawa, Ayako Hayashi, Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
1:30PM-4:00PM (150 min)
Session Chair : Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room F
- Investigating the Effectiveness of a Moving-target Oriented Opportunistic Routing Algorithm on RoboCup Rescue Simulations
Takuma Kawakami, Kyoichi Kisanuki, Toshiaki Ito, Taisuke Izumi, Kazunori Iwata and Nobuhiro Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology,
- Development of Smart Devices Applications for Autistic Children
Takumi Niwa, Ippei Torii and Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology,
- Toward Formal Verification of ECU for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines
Masato Yamauchi, Nobuhiro Ito and Yoshinobu Kawabe (Aichi Institute of Technology,
- Application of Information Technology to Develop the System for Solitary Death
Shunki Takami, Ippei Torii, Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology,
- Application of Detecting Blinks for Communication Support Tool
Ippei Torii, Kaoruko Ohtani, Shunki Takami, Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology,
Monday, September 1
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Special Session :
Knowledge Creation and Innovative Society
Session Chair : Hidehiko Hayashi (Naruto University of Education, Japan)
Room A
- Construction of a MR Space using Projection Mapping to Promote Hand Hygiene
Akinori Kanazawa, Toshiko Asai, Akinori Minazuki, Hidehiko Hayashi (Naruto University of Education,
- Analysis of Team Characteristics of Project-Based Learning based on Performance Factors of Collaborative Learning
Tessai Hayama (Kanazawa Institute of Technology,
- A Method of Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Utilization by Generalized Inverse Operator
Ryotaro Okada, Takafumi Nakanishi, Takashi Kitagawa (University of Tsukuba,
- Toward a Realization of Knowledge Creation Grid for Big Data Era
Takafumi Nakanishi (Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan,
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Session Chair : Hui-Chun Chu (Soochow University, Taiwan)
Room B
- An Integrated Contextual and Web-based Problem-Solving Approach to Improving Students’ Learning Achievements, Attitudes and Critical Thinking
Gwo-Jen Hwang, Han-Yu Sung, Hong-Sheng Chang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
- A peer-assessment criteria development approach to improving critical thinking of students
Chiu-Lin Lai, Gwo-Jen Hwang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
- Effects of In-Field Mobile Game-based Learning Activities on Students’ Local Culture Identity
Shao-chen Chang, Gwo-Jen Hwang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
- Effects of an Integrated Scratch and Project-based Learning Approach on the Learning Achievements of Gifted Students in Computer Courses
Hsiu-Ying Wang, Iwen Huang, Gwo-Jen Hwang (National University of Tainan,
- An Investigation of Junior High School Students' Online Historical-Documents Reading Literacy
Yu-Rong Liao, Pi-Hsia Hung, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Wen-Yi Chang (National University of Tainan,
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Session Chair : Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room C
- 3D Panel Visualize: Three Dimensional Panel Approach to Network Traffic Visualization
Chanatip Chuenmanus, Ubon Thongsatapornwatana (Ministry of Defence,
- Efficiency of the Agent Based Disaster Evacuation Assist System
Yasuki Iizuka, Kayo Iizuka (Tokai University,
- Compromising Strategy using Weighted Counting in Multi-times Negotiations
Masanori Ikarashi, Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
- An Approximation Approach for Large-scale Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions with Reserve-price Biddings
Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University,
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Special Session :
Advanced Software and Information Management for Humans and People and Biometric Systems
Session Chair : Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Room D
- Integrated Usage of Heterogeneous Databases for Novice Users
Ayano Terakawa, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Concurrency Control Program Generation by Extending Nodes in Genetic Programming
Tatsuya Saigo, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Improvement of the success rate of automatic generation of procedural programs with variable initialization using Genetic Programming
Fuki Horii, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- The Design and Implementation of A Modeling Tool for Regular Expressions
Min Zeng, Pan Liu, Huaikou Miao (Shanghai University,
- Relationship between Mental States with Strong Emotion Aroused by Music Pieces and Their Feature Values
Yamato Takahashi, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Session Chair : {TBA}
Room E
- Predicting Access to Health Care Using Data Mining Techniques
Sergey Shishlenin, Gongzhu Hu (Central Michigan University,
- EPISODE: An Extreme Programming Method for Innovative Software Based on Systems Design
Takaaki Goto (1), Kensei Tsuchida (2), Tetsuro Nishino(1) ((1)The University of Electro-Communications, (2)Toyo University,
- Cosideration on Inter-Organizational Process Flow Applying a Tool for Inter-Organizational Process Flow Adjustment
Kayo Iizuka (1, 2), Takuya Okawada (1), Yasuki Iizuka (3) ((1)Senshu University, (2)Kyoto University, (3)Tokai University,
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Session Chair : {TBA}
Room F
- Fundamental Study for Verbalization of Embodied Expertise based on Pattern Recognition
Yutaro Tomoto, Hiroki Hojo, Nozomi Nomachi, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Masayoshi Kanoh and Koji Yamada. (Aichi Institute of Technology,
- Object Tracking Method Using PTAMM and Estimated Foreground Regions
Sou Hayakawa, Shinji Fukui, Yuji Iwahori, M. K. Bhuyan and Robert J. Woodham (Chubu University,
- Generation of Stratified Image Database with Web Image Sharing Service and Ontology
Ryoya Fujimoto, Ryosuke Yamanishi, Yuji Iwahori, Kohichi Toshioka and Junichi Fukumoto (Chubu University,
- Overviewing Information Structure of Review Documents Using Syntax Constraints on Evaluation Description
Junichi Fukumoto, Chikashi Furuta and Ryosuke Yamanishi (Ritsumeikan University,
9:30AM-11:35AM (125 min)
Session Chair : Kiyota Hashimoto (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Room G
- Discovery of Implicit Feature Words of Place Name
Sachio Hirokawa, Tetsuya Nakatoh, Hiroto Nakae, Takahiro Suzuki (Kyushu University,
- A Method to Classify Customer Reviews of Japanese Hotels by Support Vector Machine using Estimation Sentence Patterns Information
Makoto Okada, Kazuhiro Takeuchi, Kiyota Hashimoto (Osaka Prefecture University,
- A Comparative Study of Potential-of-Interest days on a sightseeing Sport Recommender
Kazutaka Shimada, Hisashi Uehara, Tsutomu Endo (Kyushu Institute of Technology,
1:15PM-1:45PM (30 min)
AAI 2014 & SERA 2014 Opening Ceremony
International Conference Room
1:45PM-2:45PM (60 min)
[AAI-Keynote] "Facilitating Large-scale Collective Discussion", Takayuki Ito, Ph.D. (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room International Conference Room
2:45PM-3:45PM (60 min)
Room Foyer
- Exploring the Drifting Behavior on Different Social Media
Wei-Lun Chang, Cheng-Bin Li, Hao-Chun Ting (Tamkang University,
- Discovering Key Actors of Group on Social Media for Effective Management
Wei-Lun Chang, Guan-Rong Chen, Yueh-Chen Wen (Tamkang University,
- A New Approach to Web Mining: A Search Engine Offering Result of No Assumption
Yuri Suzuki, Makoto Ito, Norio Ishii, Takashi Hara (Aichi Kiwami College of Nursing,
- A Research Design for Observing of the Effect for Improving University Reputation through Research Activities
Kenta Kaneko, Masao Mori (Kyushu University,
- Is there anything else to encourage students for employment? - A proposal of website for student employment support -
Toshie Tanaka, Masao Mori (Kyushu university,
- The subject about the data collection in the progress management of a mid-term plan
Eiichi Takata (Kyushu University,
- A Multimedia Storytelling in a Rural Village: The Show Taiwan e-Tourism Service Using Tablet Technologies
Hung-Cheng Chen, Yi-Fang Kao, Chun-Lin Kuo (Yu Da University of Science and Technology,
- Digital Value Addition in the Industrial Tourism of Yilan’s Duck Industry
Yi Fang Kao, Pei Ling Wu, Hung Cheng Chen (Fo Guang University,
- Exploring the Influences of Students’ Learning Performance on Web-Based Collaborative Learning
Yi-Shan Liu, Chun-Shen Hsu, Chia-Ju Liu (Graduate Institute of Science Education & Environmental Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University,
- The Design of Simulation-Based E-Learning Mobile Application Software
Li-Ling Hsu, Suh-Ing Hsieh (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences,
- The Development of the educational software for library classification training system. -The use of National Diet Library Database and common errors of students-
Sachiko Nakajima, Takeshi Harada, Sho Sato, Marimi Yano (Baika Women's University,
- Accept Using WebQuests learning strategy in context-aware ubiquitous learning environment for English course
Hui-Chun Chu (Soochow University,
- Study on Distributed Representation of Words with Sparse Neural Network Language Model
Hidekazu Yanagimoto (Osaka Prefecture University,
Japan )
- Translation and Projection Algorithms for Multiple Layer Images with a Hexadecimal Grid Graph Model
Koichi Anada, Taikoh Ikeda, Shinji Koka, Akihito Kubota, Takeo Yaku (Nihon University,
3:45PM-4:45PM (60 min)
[AAI-Keynote] "Recent Advances in Digital Forgery and Information Forensics", Chi-Man Pun, Ph.D. (University of Macau, China )
Room International Conference Room
Tuesday, September 2
9:25AM-11:00AM (95 min)
Special Session :
Internet technology and Consumer Online Shopping Attitude & Behavior
Session Chair : Dauw-Song Zhu (National Dong-Hwa University, Taiwan)
Room A
- A Study of Continuous Usage Behavior for Online Stock Trading−Domestic Brokers of Securities Industry as Examples
Chung-Hung Tsai, Dauw-Song Zhu, Li-Yan, Jian, Shiang-Ru Wang (Tzu Chi College of Technology,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
- The Study of Continuance Intention for Online Social Games
Dauw-Song Zhu, Min-Jone Kuo, Rick Zui-Chih Lee, Shih-Hao Liou (National Dong Hwa University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
- The Benefits of Network Externality by Social Network Site
Sheau-Hwa Chen, Yu-Ping Wu (National Dong Hwa University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
- The Relationships among Personality Traits, Involvement, Perceived Value, Behavior Intention of 'Taiwan B&Bs Managers
Sheau-Hwa Chen, Jing-Yi Ma, Yo-Chi Liu (National Dong Hwa University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
- Impacts of Firm's Mimetic isomorphic Behaviors on Customer Satisfaction from the Perspectives of Expectation Theory and Self-Determination Theory: an Approach of Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Sheau-Hwa Chen, Kuo-Hsun Liao (National Dong-Hwa University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
9:25AM-11:00AM (95 min)
Session Chair : Yueh-Min Huang (National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan)
Room B
- Investigation on collaboration competency of elementary school students in ubiquitous problem-based learning
Yueh-Hsun Lee, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Pi-Hsia Hung , I-Hwa Lin (National University of Tainan,
- How game experiences affect game behavioral patterns in a MMORPG-based learning environment?
Jie Chi Yang, Sherry Teng (National Central University,
- Development of an Online Reading Literacy Assessment on Life Information after mild stroke
Yu-Ching Huang, Pi-Hsia Hung, Ku-Chou Chang (National University of Tainan,
9:25AM-11:00AM (95 min)
Session Chair : Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
Room C
- Decentralized Auction-Based Bandwidth Allocation in A Wireless Networked Control Systems
Suwatchai Kamonsantiroj, Luepol Pipanmekaporn (King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok,
- Thread Weight Readjustment Scheduler: A Proportional Share CPU Scheduler for Multithreaded Processes
Samih Mostafa, Shigeru Kuwakabe (Kyushu University,
- Resource Scheduling Algorithm in Embedded Cloud Computing and Application
Pengju He, Yan Liang, Xingxing Chou (Northwestern Polytechnical University,
9:25AM-11:00AM (95 min)
Special Session :
Parallel and Distributed Computing associated with Databases
Session Chair : Hiroaki Hirata, Atsushi Nunome (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room D
- Optimal Number of Clusters for Fast Similarity Search of Time Series Considering Transformations
Toshiichiro Iwashita, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Parallel Indexing Scheme for Data Intensive Applications
Kenta Funaki, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya, Hideya Nakanishi, Mamoru Kojima (Kyoto Institute of Technology, National Institute for Fusion Science,
- Data Migration for Multi-Database Systems Based on MySQL with SPIDER Storage Engine
Naoyuki Miyamoto, Ken Higuchi, Tatsuo Tsuji (University of Fukui,
9:25AM-11:00AM (95 min)
Special Session :
Multimedia Archives for Inheritance of Traditional Skills
Session Chair : Kazunari Morimoto, Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room E
- The Relationship between Conversation Skill and Feeling of Load on Youth in Communicate with Elderly Persons Using Video Image and Photographs
Miyuki Iwamoto, Noriaki Kuwahara, Kazunari Morimoto (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Evaluation of Performance Using Electrooculogram Performance in a Working Task Involving Periodic Eye Movements
Hiroko Sawai, Ryouichi Furukawa, Gaku Inou, Emi Koyama (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
9:25AM-11:00AM (95 min)
Session Chair : Tetsuya Oishi (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room G
- Influencing University Staff to Improve Their Activities : A Case Study of Saga University
Teruya Minamoto, Dai Nishigori (Saga University,
- Student Typology to Improve Undergraduate Education
Soichiro Aihara (Aichi University of Education,
- An Exploration of Higher Education Indicators and Universities' Characteristics in Japan
Yuan Sun(1), Naoya Todo(1), Shunya Inoue(2) ((1) National Institute of Informatics, (2) Tokyo Kasei University,
11:15AM-12:15PM (60 min)
Special Session :
Multimedia Archives for Inheritance of Traditional Skills
Session Chair : Kazunari Morimoto, Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room E
- Development Environment for Multimodal Interactive System based on Ontological Knowledge
Daisuke Takegoshi, Masahiro Araki (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- A Supporting System for Finding Lost Objects for Dementia Patient and Caregiver by Image Recognition
Takeshi Yonesaka, Noriaki Kuwahara, Kazunari Morimoto (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
Japan )
11:15AM-12:15PM (60 min)
Session Chair : Teruya Minamoto (Saga University)
Room G
- Effects of reminders in questionnaire survey
Tetsuya Oishi (Kyushu University,
- Requirements Development of Energy Management System for a Unit in Smart Campus
Shigeru Kuwakabe, Hsin-Hung Lin, Yoichi Omori, Keijiro Araki (Kyushu University,
11:15AM-12:15PM (60 min)
[AAI-Keynote] "Advancement and education in medical ICT", Hidetsugu Kohzaki, Ph.D (Kyoto University, Japan )
Room International Conference Room
1:15PM-2:15PM (60 min)
[AAI-Keynote] "Missing Data Imputation with Rough Set", Gongzhu Hu, Ph.D. (Central Michigan University, USA )
Room International Conference Room
2:30PM-4:35PM (125 min)
Special Session :
Applied ICT Engineering in Agriculture
Session Chair : Alireza Ahrary (Sojo University, Japan)
Room A
- Effects of Visual Elements into the Touch Interaction During the Drag Operation
Won-Seok YANG (1), Soeda YUSUKE (1), Alireza AHRARY (2) ((1) Shibaura Institute of Technology, (2) Sojo University ,
- IoT-Security approach analysis for the novel nutrition-based vegetable production and distribution system
Dennis LUDENA (1), Alireza AHRARY (1), Noriko HORIBE (1), Won-Seok YANG (2) ((1) Sojo University, (2)Shibaura Institute of Technology,
- Smart Field Monitoring: An Application of Cyber-Physical Systems in Agriculture (work in progress)
Farhad Mehdipour (Kyushu University,
- Study of chemical characteristic investigation and depth direction sanitization effect of a soil by ozone treatment
Shin-ichi Aoqui (1), Noriko Horibe (1), Fumiaki Mitsugi (2), Kazuhiro Nagahama (1) ((1) Sojo University, (2) Kumamoto University,
- Influence of ozone treatment on soil nutrient and acidity with low ozone dose rate
Takuya Nagatomo (1), Keisuke Takigawa (1), Yuki Yamasaki (1), Takamasa Sakai (1), Fumiaki Mitsugi (1), Tomoaki Ikegami (1), Kenji Ebihara (2), Kazuhiro Nagahama (3) ((1) Kumamoto University, (2) Environment and Energy Laboratory, (3) Sojo University,
2:30PM-4:35PM (125 min)
Session Chair : Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Room B
- Generational Layered Canvas Mechanism for Collaborative Web Applications
Shinya Katayama, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani (Nagoya Institute of Technology,
- Detection of Misplacement of Synonyms in the Japanese WordNet
Takuya Hirao, Takahiko Suzuki, Mitsuki Miyata, Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu university,
- Experience formalized as a service for geographical and temporal remote collaboration
Pasquale Ardimento, Danilo Caivano, Giuseppe Visaggio (University of Bari,
- Application of Workshop-based Instruction to Guide Project-based Research Learning on Environmental Problems
Susumu Yamazaki, Tsukasa Morimoto, Tohru Futawatari, Taku Jiromaru, Masafumi Iwano (University of Kitakyushu,
- Construction of Dominant Factor Presumption Model for Postoperative Hospital Days from Operation Records
Takanori Yamashita, Yoshifumi Wakata, Naoki Nakashima, Satoshi Hamai, Yasuharu Nakashima, Yukihide Iwamoto, Brendan Flanaga, Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu University,
2:30PM-4:35PM (125 min)
Session Chair : Antoine Bossard (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology)
Room C
- Emotion Embodiment in Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation System using Hybrid Automata
Shahrul Naim Sidek, Aimi Shazwani Ghazali (International Islamic University Malaysia,
- Suspect Vehicle Detection using Vehicle Reputation with Association Analysis Concept
Ubon Thongsatapornwatana, Chanatip Chuenmanus (Ministry of Defence,
- On Attractiveness of Facebook in Secondary Education in the Kingdom of Tonga and it's Potential
Hans Tobias Sopu, Yoshifumi Chisaki, Tsuyoshi Usagawa (Kumamoto University,
- A Performance Optimization Support Framework for Multi Agent Simulations on Multi-core Environment
Yoshihito Sano, Yoshiaki Kadono, Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University,
- Analysis of the Poisson distribution applicability to the Japanese seismic activity
Antoine Bossard (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology,
2:30PM-4:35PM (125 min)
Session Chair : Osamu Mizuno (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Room D
- RFID Tag Ownership Transfer Protocol for A Closed Loop System
Gaith Al. (Deakin University,
- Performance Impact of New Interface for Non-Volatile Memory Storage
Shuichi Oikawa (University of Tsukuba,
- Application of Multidimensional Scaling for Responsibility Distribution of Objects
Akio Ida and Shigeo Kaneda (Doshisha University,
- An Analysis of The Relationship between A Write Access Reduction Method for NVM/DRAM Hybrid Memory with Programming Language Runtime Support and Execution Policies of Garbage Collection
Gaku Nakagawa and Shuichi Oikawa (University of Tsukuba,
- A Feasibility Study of Hybrid DRAM and Flash Memory Management Unit
Hirotaka Kawata and Shuichi Oikawa (University of Tsukuba,
2:30PM-4:35PM (125 min)
Special Session :
Multimedia Archives for Inheritance of Traditional Skills
Session Chair : Kazunari Morimoto, Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room E
- Determination of the optimum muscle temperature for maintaining work performance with attenuation of heat stress in humans
Keiko Inoue, Masashi Kume, Tetsuya Yoshida (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Evaluation of Chinese Sign Language Animation for Mammography Inspection to Hearing-Impaired People
Yang Ou, Kazunari Morimoto, Noriaki Kuwahara (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- An Evaluation of Physical Strains While Driving An Electric Wheelchair
Yusuke Kanki, Noriaki Kuwahara, Kazunari Morimoto (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Accessible Optical Wireless Pedestrian-Support Systems for Individuals with Visual Impairment
Hirotoshi Kii, Yusuke Murata, Saeko Oshiba, Yuki Nagai, Hiroki Watanabe, Shunsuke Iki, Yoji Kitani, Noriaki Kuwahara, Kazunari Morimoto (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Learning through Imitation and Reinforcement Learning: Toward the Acquisition of Painting Motions
Tatsuya Sakato, Motoyuki Ozeki, Natsuki Oka (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
2:30PM-4:35PM (125 min)
Session Chair : Gongzhu Hu (Central Michigan University, USA)
Room F
- Measurement of Time-Dependent Stress Levels by Wavelet Analysis
Yoshinori Adachi (Chubu University,
- Master-Slave Asynchronous Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithm and its Application in VANETs Routing Optimization
Said Said and Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus,
- Fast Numerical Threshold Search Algorithm for C4.5
Wen-Mau Chong, Chien-Le Goh, Yoon-Teck Bau and Kian-Chin Lee (Multimedia University,
- Data Mining for Lifestyle Risk Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Adolescents
Anthony Pochini, Yitian Wu and Gongzhu Hu (Central Michigan University,
- Application of inductive logic programming to produce emergent behavior in an artificial society
Keigo Komura, Atsuko Mutoh, Nobuhiro Inuzuka (Nagoya Institute of Technology,
Conference Reception
Wednesday, September 3
9:30AM-10:45AM (75 min)
Special Session :
Complex Event Processing and Machine Learning
Session Chair : Kensuke Baba (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room A
- Correlation analysis between user's emotional comments and popularity measures
Zechen Wu and Eisuke Ito (Kyushu University,
- Towards Activity Recognition of Learners by Kinect
Takuya Kamizono, Hiromichi Abe, Kensuke Baba, Shigeru Takano, and Kazuaki Murakami (Kyushu University,
- An Evaluation of a Complex Event Processing Engine
Satoshi Kuboi, Kensuke Baba, Shigeru Takano, and Kazuaki Murakami (Kyushu University,
9:30AM-10:45AM (75 min)
Session Chair : Noriko Uosaki (Osaka University, Japan)
Room B
- A Mobile Augmented Reality Based Scaffolding Platform for Outdoor Fieldtrip Learning
Chung-Hsien Tsai, Jiung-Yao Huang (National Defense University,
- Enhancing Outside-class learning using online tools: A review work
Gustavo Inoue, Noriko Uosaki , Hiroaki Ogata, Kousuke Mouri (Osaka University,
- The Implementation of a Context-Aware Mobile Japanese Conversation Learning System Based on NFC-enabled Smartphones
Chun-Chia Wang, Ching-Ren Wei (Taipei Chengshih University of Science and Technology,
9:30AM-10:45AM (75 min)
Session Chair : Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University)
Room C
- Real-time Traffic Signal Control with Dynamic Evolutionary Computation
Kai Zeng, Jun Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University,
- Using a low-cost electroencephalogram (EEG) directly as random number generator
Bhanupong Petchlert, Hiroshi Hasegawa (Shibaura Institute of Technology,
9:30AM-10:45AM (75 min)
Session Chair : Makoto Fukumoto (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)
Room E
- Practice of the software development PBL which thought communication as important based on Scrum
Satoru Kizaki, Yasuyuki Tahara and Akihiko Ohsuga. (The University of Electro-Communications,
- Changing the software engineering education: a report from current situation in Mexico
Ivan Garcia, Carla Pacheco and Jose Antonio Calvo-Manzano (Universidad Tecnologica de la Mixteca, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
- Does A Code Review Tool Evolve As the Developer Intended?
Osamu Mizuno and Junwei Liang (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
9:30AM-10:45AM (75 min)
Special Session :
Advanced Software and Information Management for Humans and People and Biometric Systems
Session Chair : Martin Drahansk (Brno University of Technology)
Room F
- Experimental ophthalmic multimodal imaging system for iris and retina
Josef Hájek, Radim Kolář, Martin Drahansky (Brno University of Technology,
- Biometric Intelligence in Authentication Machines: From Talking Faces to Talking Robots
Shawn Eastwood, Vlad Shmerko, Vlad Shmerko, Svetlana Yanushkevich, Martin Drahansky (Brno University of Technology,
Canada, Czechoslovakia)
- A Procedure for the Development of Mobile Application Software
Byeongdo Kang, Jongseok Lee, Jonathan Kissinger, Roger Lee (Korea University of Daegu, Central Michigan University,
Republic of Korea, USA)
11:00AM-12:15PM (75 min)
Session Chair : Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room A
- Evaluation of the Industrial and Social Impacts of Science and Technology Using Patents and News Articles
Shumpei Iinuma, Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba, Toshiyuki Takezawa (Hiroshima City University,
- Investigations on Reference Books Held in Japanese Public Libraries
Nozomi Nomura, Shunsuke Arai, Keita Tsuji (University of Tsukuba,
- Book Recommendation Using Machine Learning Methods Based on Library Loan Records and Bibliographic Information
Keita Tsuji, Fuyuki Yoshikane, Sho Sato, Hiroshi Itsumura (University of Tsukuba,
11:00AM-12:40PM (100 min)
Session Chair : Kensuke Baba (Kyushu University , Japan)
Room B
- Polynomial Time MAT Learning of C-Deterministic Regular Formal Graph Systems
Seiya Hara, Takayoshi Shoudai (Kyushu University,
- Feasibility Evaluation of Function obtained by Product Combination
Yoko Nishihara, Junya Hibino, Junichi Fukumoto, Ryosuke Yamanishi (Ritsumeikan University,
- An Ultra-compact Hardware Implementation of SM4 on FPGA
Ming Shang, Qinglong Zhang, Zongbin Liu, Ji Xiang, Jiwu Jing (Chinese Academy of Sciences,
- Hybrid Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks and its Application in Building Monitoring
Lichuan Liu, Geetha Mavidi (Northern Illinois University,
United States)
11:00AM-12:15PM (75 min)
Session Chair : Chengjiu Yin (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room C
- A Study of Using Handwritten Annotations on Digital Textbooks
Noriyuki Iwane, Chunming Gao (Hiroshima City University,
- Instructional Design of Exercise-Centric Teaching Materials on UML Modeling
Susumu Yamazaki, Taku Jiromaru (University of Kitakyushu,
- Instructional Design of a Workshop “How a Computer Works” Aimed at Improving Intuitive Comprehension and Motivation
Susumu Yamazaki, Takashi Satoh, Taku Jiromaru, Nobuyuki Tachi, Masafumi Iwano (University of Kitakyushu,
11:00AM-12:15PM (75 min)
Session Chair : Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Room E
- Estimating Interval of the Number of Errors for Embedded Software Development Projects
Kazunori Iwata, Toyoshiro Nakashima, Yoshiyuki Anan and Naohiro Ishii (Aichi University, Sugiyama Jogakuen University, OMRON SOFTWARE Co.,Ltd, Aichi Institute of Technology,
- A Text Filtering Based Approach to Classify Bug Injected and Fixed Changes
Akihisa Yamada and Osamu Mizuno (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- The Influence of Alias and References Escape on Java Program Analysis
Dashen Sun, Shengbo Chen and Huaikou Miao (Shanghai University,
11:00AM-12:15PM (75 min)
Special Session :
Challenges in Information Retrieval and Recommendation for Big Data
Session Chair : Kenta Oku (1), Jun Miyazaki (2) ((1)Ritsumeikan University, (2)Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Room F
- ROU(Region Of Uninterest) and its Applications for Geographical Maps and Images
Kana Miyawaki, Hung-Hsuan Huang, Kyoji Kawagoe (Ritsumeikan University,
- A Route Recommender System based on Difference of User’s Sojourn Time on Sightseeing Spots
Daisuke KITAYAMA (1), Keisuke OZU (1), Shinsuke NAKAJIMA (2), Kazutoshi SUMIYA (3) ((1)Kogakuin University, (2)Kyoto Sangyo University, (3)University of Hyogo,
- Mapping Geotagged Tweets to Tourist Spots for Recommender Systems
Kenta Oku, Koki Ueno, Fumio Hattori (Ritsumeikan University,
1:15PM-2:55PM (100 min)
Special Session :
Library Science
Session Chair : Kensuke Baba (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room A
- Transformation of Public Libraries: Co-Creation of Values at Multipurpose Community Learning Centers
Md. Abul Kalam Siddike, Katsuhiro Umemoto, and Youji Kohda (JAIST,
- Preliminary survey on information-providing method according to the levels of media using SNS in the music industry
Shinji Sato, Yukiko Watanabe, and Emi Ishita (Kyushu University,
- Generating Multiple-Choice Test on Understanding Arbitrary English Text
Shinjiro Okaku, Yoichi Tomiura, Kou Shu, and Shosaku Tanaka (Kyushu University,
- Extraction of Key Expressions Indicating the Important Sentence from Article Abstracts
Shuhei Otani and Yoichi Tomiura (Kyushu University,
1:15PM-2:55PM (100 min)
Special Session :
Applied ICT Engineering in Agriculture
Session Chair : Noriko Horibe (Sojo University, Japan)
Room B
- Modeling of environmental factors for finding optimal conditions on cultivating farm products
Keiichi Matsumoto, Yuuki Yamasaki, Yoshitaka Matsumura, Noriko Horibe, Alireza Ahrary, Shin-ichi Aoqui (Graduate School of Engineering, Sojo University,
- Development of Web System for Estimating Environmental Features of Farmland
Yuuki Yamashita, Yuuki Shiiba, Noriko Horibe, Shin-ichi Aoqui (Sojo University,
- Study on the acoustic characteristics of sound proofing ventilation unit
Hayato Goto, Tsunetoshi Nasu, Noriko Horibe, Tsuyoshi Nishimura (Sojo University,
1:15PM-2:55PM (100 min)
Special Session :
Parallel and Distributed Computing associated with Databases
Session Chair : Hiroaki Hirata, Atsushi Nunome (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Room C
- A Lazy-Updating Snoop Cache Protocol for Transactional Memory
Sekai Ichii, Atsushi Nunome, Hiroaki Hirata, Kiyoshi Shibayama (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- A Distributed Storage System with Dynamic Tiering for iSCSI Environment
Atsushi Nunome, Hiroaki Hirata, Kiyoshi Shibayama (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Evaluation of A Secure Live Migration of Virtual Machines Using IPsec Implementation
Norshazrul Azman bin Sulaiman, Hideo Masuda (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
1:15PM-2:55PM (100 min)
Session Chair : Tomohiko Takagi (Kagawa University)
Room E
- Technological variability by means of a framework metamodel.
Jose García-Alonso, Jose Javier Berrocal Olmeda and Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez (University of Extremadura,
- Design Pattern for self-adaptive RTE systems monitoring
Mouna Ben Said, Yessine Hadj Kacem and Mickaël Kerboeuf (CES, Lab-STICC,
- Analysis of Mouth Shape Deformation Rate for Generation of Japanese Utterance Images Automatically
Tsuyoshi Miyazaki and Toyoshiro Nakashima (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Sugiyama Jogakuen University,
- Creation of Music Chord Progression Suited for User's Feelings Based on Interactive Genetic Algorithm
Makoto Fukumoto (Fukuoka Institute of Technology,
1:15PM-2:55PM (100 min)
Special Session :
Challenges in Information Retrieval and Recommendation for Big Data
Session Chair : Kenta Oku (1), Jun Miyazaki (2) (Technology)
Room F
- An Expansion Method of XML Element Retrieval Techniques into Web Documents
Atsushi Keyaki (1), Jun Miyazaki (1), Kenji Hatano (2) ((1)Tokyo Institute of Technology, (2)Doshisha University,
- I-Shadow: A Wide Area File Service Using Autonomous Disks
Jun Miyazaki (1), Tsutomu Fujiwara (2), Shunsuke Uemura (2) ((1)Tokyo Institute of Technology, (2)Nara Institute Science and Technology,
- Visualizing Basic Words Chosen by Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Serendipitous Item Recommendation
Qian Meng, Kenji Hatano (Doshisha University,
- Extracting Experiences Using Dependency Parsing on Japanese E-commerce Web Sites
Kazuki Hagiwara, Kazuki Ono, Kenji Hatano (Doshisha University,
3:10PM-4:25PM (75 min)
Session Chair : Junichi Fukumoto (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Room A
- An Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model in Understanding Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use University’s Social Media
Poom Tantiponganant, Prin Laksitamas (Siam University,
- Comments data mining for evaluating student's performance
Shaymaa Sorour, Tsunenori Mine , Kazumasa Goda, Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu University,
- Visualizing Real-Time Questionnaire Results to Promote Participation in Interactive Presentations
Ryota Inoue, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani (Nagoya Institute of Technology,
3:10PM-4:25PM (75 min)
Session Chair : Takahiko Suzuki (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room B
- Estimating Association of Movie Segment by Co-occurrence Word from Japanese subtitles of VOD Lecture
Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Shingo Nakamura, Hiromitsu Shiina, Fumio Kitagawa (Sanyo Gakuen University,
- Sentiment Analysis for e-Services
Fernando Santos, Andres Mendez (Cinvestav,
- A Hybrid Trust Degree Model in Social Network
Jun Zeng, Min Gao, Junhao Wen, Sachio Hirokawa (Chongqing University,
3:10PM-4:50PM (100 min)
Session Chair : Kenji Matsuura (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Room C
- Concept Maps Construction Based on Student-Problem Chart
Jiann-Cherng Shieh, Yi-Ting Yang (National Taiwan Normal University,
- Supporting system for the form improvement on rope skipping skill by image processing
Shinya Yoshioka, Keita Yamada, Kenji Matsuura (The University of Tokushima,
- ePortfolio system design based on ontological model of self-regulated learning
Lap Trung Nguyen, Mitsuru Ikeda (Hoa Sen University,
Viet Nam)
- Immersive Learning Design (ILD): A New Model to Assure the Quality of Learning through Filliped Classrooms
Hamdy A. Abdelaziz (Arabian Gulf University,
3:10PM-4:25PM (75 min)
Session Chair : Hideo Masuda (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Room E
- Optimized Test Case Generation Based on Operational Profiles with Fault-Proneness Information
Tomohiko Takagi and Mutlu Beyazit (Kagawa University, University of Paderborn,
- Decision-making about Software Release Time Using Analytic Hierarchy Process
Takuya Arao, Yoshinobu Machida, Ken Toda, Rihito Yaegashi and Tomohiko Takagi (Kagawa University, Art and Architecture School of Waseda University,
- Predicting Fault-prone Modules by Word Occurrence in Identifiers
Naoki Kawashima and Osamu Mizuno (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
3:10PM-4:25PM (75 min)
Special Session :
Advanced Software and Information Management for Humans and People and Biometric Systems
Session Chair : Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Room F
- Analysis Method Based on Impression Words for Impression Evaluation Method by Space
Shunsuke Akai, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- An Unsupervised Emotional Scene Retrieval Framework for Lifelog Videos
Hiroki Nomiya, Atsushi Morikuni, Teruhisa hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology,
- Expression Strength for the Emotional Scene Detection from Lifelog Videos
Atsushi Morikuni, Hiroki Nomiya, Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology,